Faces overview
The Faces feature in iPhoto uses face recognition to help you find and name the…
Name the people in your photos
You can assign names to people in your photos. Then iPhoto uses Faces (face detection…
Tips for improving face recognition
You can help iPhoto do an even better job in Faces of finding particular people,…
Add a missing face
iPhoto detects the vast majority of the faces in your photos during the initial scan…
Confirm or reject suggested matches for people on your Faces corkboard
After you identify and name your friends and family using Faces, iPhoto continues to match…
Use Faces with Facebook
If you have a Facebook account, you can use it with the Faces feature in…
Use Smart Albums to group people
Faces automatically groups photos of individuals. You can create a Smart Album that continually gathers…
Remove people from your Faces corkboard
You can easily remove a snapshot from your Faces corkboard. You can also remove only…