After you create a card, it is saved in iPhoto. You can open and view all of your cards in the Bookshelf in full-screen view and in the Source list in the iPhoto main window. To see more detail, you can zoom in on a card.
To open a card in full-screen view:
In full-screen view, navigate to the main view.
To get to the main view, you may need to click the All Events, All Faces, Projects, or other navigational button in the top-left corner of the window.
In full-screen view, the main view contains five navigational buttons for the Events, Faces, Places, Albums, and Projects views. The content shown corresponds with the selected button.
Click the Projects button in the toolbar.
The Bookshelf appears, displaying your books, cards, and calendars.
To get information about a card on the Bookshelf, position the pointer over the card.
Double-click a card.
The card appears.
To open a card in the iPhoto main window:
Click the card name in the Source list.
To get information about a card, position the pointer over the card’s name at the top of the window.
To zoom in or out on a card page:
If you want to see more or less detail, you can zoom in or out on a card page.
Open the card project.
Drag the zoom slider at the left side of the toolbar to zoom in or out.
If you’ve zoomed in close enough that you can’t see the entire page spread in the iPhoto window, the Navigator appears above the Zoom slider. Drag the Navigator box to the left or right to view different areas of the card.